Thank you for viewing the information materials. You are now invited to complete our feedback form to submit queries or comments regarding the Proposed Development.

Please use the form below to submit any queries or comments regarding the proposed hydrogen project. We request that all feedback forms be submitted by 17:00 on Friday 18th of November.

If you have any other questions or comments on the proposal, these can be submitted by emailing:

or writing to:

Hydrogen Team

ScottishPower Energy Retail Ltd

320 St Vincent Street


G2 5AD

Please note that any comments made on the proposals to Scottish Power at this stage are not representations to The Highland Council. When the planning application is subsequently submitted, normal publicity will be undertaken at that time and the public will have the opportunity then to make formal representations.

We only collect personal information when you provide it to us. Your personal data will only be shared within the Cromarty Hydrogen Project team, and will be used for specific purposes in relation to the Proposed Development. Your identifiable, personal data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent.

    Community council representativeLocal residentLocal businessOther (please specify)



    YesNoQuestions, comments or requests for further information: (please specify)

    Privacy Statement

    By filling in this online form, you are agreeing that we can hold and process your personal data in relation specifically to this public consultation exercise. We will only share your personal data with the Cromarty Hydrogen Project team for evaluation purposes only. Your identifiable, personal data will not be used for any other purposes without your consent. We will use your data to:

    • Send you updates about the project (where you provide us with your contact details)
    • Develop a Statement of Community Consultation (or similar document) about this public consultation that will be submitted to the planning authority or similar body; this will be a publicly available document. Your comments will be anonymous, and we will only identify you in these reports with your express permission.
    • Contact you by email if you provide us with your contact details
    • Contact you to ask you more about the comments you have made if you have provided us with your contact details.

    Data Protection

    We hold all personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679 and your personal data will not be transferred outside of the European Economic Area.

    Full details of the privacy policy are available here.